Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Podcasting...Test, One, Two, Three

Is there anybody really listening?
Well, if you push them on your friends, clients, colleagues, yes. You'll get hits and downloads,
But the folks at MarketWatch, Frank Barnako specifically, report the following:

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- FeedBurner said it's now managing feeds for 47,000 podcasts and facilitating delivery of 1.5 million episodes a day. Eighteen months ago, it was managing 6,000 podcasts.
As many as 250 podcasts are added to its roster daily.
"Some have one or two or three listeners," said Rick Klau, vice president for business development at the Chicago-based company. "Others, like '101 Uses for Baby Wipes,' have more than 20,000." Another example is NPR's "On the Media," which, according to Klau, boasts 16,000 subs. Leo LaPorte's "This Week in Tech"-- considered by some to be the most popular podcast -- had about 260,000 downloads last month.
Klau expects FeedBurner to be managing 100,000 podcasts by the end of the year, he said.

So, the question is this: with all the entertainment, information, news, commentary and plain old crapola out there, who needs another blog? Or, who needs another podcast?

Shakespeare had a character ask, "To be or not to be?"

Monica Lewinsky, she of the President Bill Clinton dalliance, is proof that the Internet is just a bunch of open windows and doors. If you're having oral sex with somebody and write about it anywhere, in the bits and bytes world of the world wide web, somebody can subpoena it and "can and will use it against you in a court of law," or the court of public opinion.

Yet, your opinion, we are told as proud Americans, is important--heck, almost the stuff that is the fertilizer that sprouts American pride and patriotism. More fertile stuff is the right to happiness...the inalianable.

So, if expressing oneself is the root of ones happiness I return to my original thoughts: Is there anybody out there listening? If you're not too busy watching your favorite TV Show, "24" or "Desperate Housewives," please leave a comment.



Louis J. Cassorla said...

Well, it's taken me a couple of weeks to get here, but I'll happily be the first to respond that yes, I'm listening. Not necessarily to every word, but I'll certainly bookmark you and check in from time to time to see what you're saying that might be interesting to me. I hope you'll take a peek at my blog as well ( ). Feel free to leave comments or just to point and laugh.

Rita R. said...

Thanks for finding my blog.
I haven't had time to write in awhile.
I enjoyed your blog, and will post some comments soon!

Meantime, I need to figure out what to say when I update my podcast on my business web site!

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