Monday, April 28, 2008

News from my sister--there isn't any...and other musings.

No news means it's not over yet.
My last post was about feelings of sympathy for my oldest sister who has been visiting a comatose friend in the hospital. Nothing new to report. My sister deals with her pain in what seems like a solitary-fashion to me.

Meantime, my parents visited a dear, decades old friend of theirs who has Alzheimer's.

Yup--my family has had less than fun times.

Some of my friends are having less than fun times as well. Just heard that a friend has been out of touch since December because she's been dealing with "elder care." Another got sick and had to be quarantined away from her husband with M.S.

Time is a warped thing. You grow up thinking about what things, events, milestones in life that are important. But, like a sand castle, easily toppled by a charging child, a gentle wave, or a gust of wind--those things just sort of disappear. They can be money, career, ambition, or dreams. So, with the naive dreams of a gal who should know better I write--can't we all just get along?

I'm getting so tired of the Presidential political poopy-poo. I'm getting so disappointed that real things that can assuage the anxieties of so many aren't getting discussed. I'm getting sad about the foreclosed homes on my block and directly across the street from my house.

I want to hear young children laughing and playing, not crying because they have to move.

Gosh. How I do adore those closest to me. So, I feel for them. I wish them all the gentleness of younger, healthier times -- times that are more exciting than they realize. I wish them the times that I hope they can one day look back upon and wistfully dream about.

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