Well, I liked the guy. I just didn't know that he "liked" me. In case you missed it: Paterson AND his wife both admitted to having had extra-marital affairs. The latest twist is that Paterson is paying back his campaign war-chest some $250 dollars he used to pay a hotel bill for one of his assignations. Just google the story for yourself. I'm having trouble inserting hyperlinks to one I found at www.newsday.com

Now I'm reading about Detroit's Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. He was on TV with his wife, apologizing for the pain he caused her by shtooping a senior aide.
I don't know what to say about these men of power and influence that hasn't been said before. It doesn't take a brilliant commentator to ponder the influence of a nation's or world press/media that enjoys talking about the personal problems of public figures--as well they should. I'm all for exposing hypocrisy. I'm all for the reporting of public funds being used to pay for hotels, motels and other things a person needs in order to have a tryst or screw around on ones spouse. These guys/gals call for everybody else to be "transparent" and "accountable." But, then they are surprised when reporters remind them that they to have to follow the same rules.
Arrogance can be the downfall of civiliazations and empires and as these public officials are learning, careers
Intersting post Rita. Thanks!
Thanks for noticing this post, Sherrilynne.
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