Saturday, August 04, 2007

Confession Time-I almost Deleted this Blog

I was going to announce, "That's all folks." I was feeling a little bit busy with work--and thank goodness I'm busy, which means I can pay my bills and my taxes, and maybe stash a little dosh away for when my brunette head becomes completely white.

But, I also was reading a lot of other blog posts. All great. All well thought out and quite amusing. These posts were on current events, personalities, radio formats, journalism and other topics that I'm interested in.

Why oh why does the world need Rita's Musings?

Maybe I need the time to post content. Perhaps working a keyboard and publishing these ponderings, thoughts and observations is good therapy.

Sometimes, my thoughts need a place to go. Usually I use them to generate publicity and success for others. I suppose I need to just exhale and relax with them from time to time.

So--I'll see you in another month?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't quit Rita. Just come back when you have the time.

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